Holiday Inn Express

Categories: Hospitality, Space Optimization, Food Service
Project: Formula Blue Breakfast Bar Roll-out

Design Development
& Conceptual Prototyping

Holiday Inn Express approached us with a challenge- Give the breakfast bar of the popular hotel chain a fresh new look. One that would bring “Simple Smart Traveling” to life through environment and guest experience design. This included a complete signage package, custom-built & specified countertop small wares and a carefully curated set of equipment – all tying into the brand’s vision of catering to “The Smart Traveler” through ‘Purposeful Contemporary’ design. The Brand Identity System faced a complete overhaul, and all 2100 locations were in need of the rebrand.

Nothing brings people together like a hot, fresh breakfast

Manufacturing Components
for National Rollout

With over 2100 locations needing manufactured rollout components, A-List Woodworks quickly sprang into action and began production, warehousing, and order fulfillment. From laminated background panels and dimensional signage to equipment shrouds and tabletop organizers, our team utilized over 40,000 square feet of space to manufacture, assemble, package, store, and ship up to 13 locations a day during the peak of our schedule.

High Volume Production within a Short Time Frame Over 14,000 custom laminated panels were produced in a period of 18 months, along with over 20,000 coutertop solution units and over 8,000 equipment shrouds.

Warehousing & Fulfillment

In addition to large scale manufacturing eorts, A List Woodworks facility was utilized to warehouse and organize the entire inventory. Centrally located to major shipping hubs, we served as the primary shipping point for orders being shipped domestically and internationally. Our freight loading docks and order fulllment team ensured orders were fullled accurately and on time.
© 2021 CCI Holdings Inc d.b.a. A-List Woodworks