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How Machinery Companies Use A List Wood Works Services to Increase Sales

At a first glance it may seem to many Machinery Sales Companies that A List is a competitor to Wood and Plastic Machinery Sales. “A List cuts parts, so my potential customer would not need to buy machinery if they used A List’s services?”


That’s the question, and let me tell you why that thought process is very short sited and outright Wrong!!! And how several machinery companies have used A List to increase their sales.


One of the key components to sales is growth. If the companies that you sell to are not growing, then you are not growing. In today’s economy it is very hard to get a customer to make a large capital investment, especially in machinery. Do you have customers willing to spend $100,000 on a new machine if they don’t have enough work to justify it? Probably not. Do you have customers that are turning down work because they do not have the capacity or machinery to do the work? Probably.


This is where A List Wood Works fills the gap. Think of us as a stepping stone to these companies. A stepping stone into larger machinery, and more sales. By promoting our services in the right application you are giving your customers the ability to bid on and compete for larger contracts. Once they win these contracts and use A List to fill these gaps in production capacity they are going to be more likely, and in a better position to justify larger capital equipment purchases.



OK, so what if these customers continue to use the services of A List Wood Works and never end up buying more machinery? One of two things can happen in this situation.



It may sound a bit crazy, but when you think about it, you are creating a very powerful sales tool when you partner with us.


line boring machine

Here are some of the benefits to your customers:




Please contact us if you would like to create a partnership.

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